
Sunday, November 13, 2016

"Nature's Escape"

How beautiful to escape into the heart of Nature. She rescued me from the rush of the world and brings me to the next. I painted this during the aftermath of the 2016 election. The hatred and violence is still lingering but I hold fast to Holy Spirit and embrace the gift of God: the Escape of Nature.

"Fall Moon"

I painted this after watching the moon rise above the huge pine tree in my parents backyard. The crickets in my mothers flower garden were welcoming the moon as she danced at dusk. She had a pink hue circling around her, a preparation I'm sure for tonight's super moon. She was dressing for this event in the most glorious way.

"The Essence of Fall"

I painted this after a beautiful hike. Fall is my favorite season and I can literally hear a chorus of colors dancing during the changing of the trees leaves. I see so many eyes in the forest this time of year. perhaps they are fairies dancing before the winter snows.

"Lady Land"

Sacred Elephant Painting

Resting in Your Spirit

Resting in your spirit I find peace within. Through Nature I see You. Your guidance is unmistakable as I dip my brush I feel You in each stroke and the paint on my fingers leaves evidence of your Presence. 

I hope this art piece brings you calm energy and inspiration and knowing God loves us all and nurtures us through Nature.

14x7 inches ~ gallery wrapped canvas. 

Blessings and Peace.

Saturday, November 5, 2016

My Art is for God

Creating art is my communion with God. I have been judged recently by some Christians telling me that abstract art is channeling. If I am channeling the Spirit of God then I can only pray it would transfer to my art! What have all the great mystics done? I can think of no greater joy than expressing myself through art. My art is all for God. For Jesus Christ. We are all deeply rooted in this Earth. We are all connected to it. I used to express myself mostly through words but as I grow closer to God I feel more and more I need to express myself through color. All of my creations are simply a tiny drop of explanation in showing how I am rooted here because God has created me from Earth and breathed LIFE into me! All of us! We are all children of God. In this great spiritual war that is beginning to become more intense by the day we must arm ourselves against evil we must chose life. we must choose to worship our Lord and Saviour. Arguing the little details and holding anger and fear within us will not bring us closer to Truth. I hope my art does not offend. it is my Truth dancing in a world of fear and evil but also a world that IS created by God and it's a beautiful world that I am so grateful for. Nature and animals have so much to teach us and they are so close to the Creator. May we all live our passions for our God in the best way we know how and let go of fear and hatred and embrace peace.

"The Magic of Fall"

"Blue Star"

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

November 2nd

Today, like most days I feel misplaced and weary. I am especially tired. I feel there is something very big about to sweep over America. Over the entire world actually. The energies are intense and exhausting and all I can really do is turn to prayer. Prayer through painting and being in nature. It is November 2nd and as we near this dreaded election my soul is shuddering. A big change is coming to all of us very soon. Are you ready? This is a very short blog post. I just wanted to say be ready spiritually. Much love.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

The Kiss of Nature

Attachments to this world for me are with nature and non human animals which I sincerely comes with the next life :) I was outside in this beautiful autumn weather today soaking in the tree language and the blues that were ever so gently highlighting the tops of the luscious green trees that dance with love for our Creator. I was in deep knowing we are loved. I was feeling God's whisper of tenderness for each of us. There is so much fear everywhere around us and it creates sickness and misery. It's time to embrace with love and peace the giving nature of a loving God that cradles us in nature and in love.
"In His Creation we are LOVED!"

Sunday, June 19, 2016

The Ecstasy of St. Theresa

I was baptized and confirmed in the Roman Catholic Church. Recently as I have struggled with my beliefs in reiki and other teachings outside the Church such as kundalini, I realized my saint through confirmation is St. Theresa the Little Flower. How I came to pick this saint I don't really recall, I believe I remember being drawn in with her simple nature and her mystical love for Christ. I am grateful that I chose this saint because she now represents more to me at the age of 33 then she did at the age of 14 when i was confirmed.

Interestingly, many Christians consider Catholics to be of Satan. So this blog will mean nothing to them. And even more interesting is the Church itself would discourage me making the connections I am about to speak of. Or I guess you could say the metaphorical nature of the comparisons I am about to make would probably be laughed at. That's ok. I now know the Catholic Church holds great wisdom and I love the Church, but I do not love its government. Many times in history the Church has condemned people that they now consider saints!

Today I was at mass and again during the Eucharistic prayers felt my hands become very hot. I know this is reiki and its Gods way of showing me that reiki is a gift not a demonic force. I began to think about St Theresa. I would like to include here some of her writings. I will make no commentary. I will only say that much of this sounds like kundalini. What are your thoughts?

St. Theresa speaking on her moments of "ecstasy"

"... Beside me, on the left hand, appeared an angel in bodily form... He was not tall but short, and very beautiful; and his face was so aflame that he appeared to be one of the highest rank of angels, who seem to be all on fire... In his hands I saw a great golden spear, and at the iron tip there appeared to be a point of fire. This he plunged into my heart several times ... and left me utterly consumed by the great love of God. The pain was so severe that it made me utter several moans. The sweetness caused by this intense pain is so extreme that one cannot possibly wish it to cease, nor is one's soul then content with anything but God. This is not a physical, but a spiritual pain, though the body has some share in it-even a considerable share ..."

The Ecstasy of St. Theresa is considered by many as the apogee of Bernini's oeuvre and is notable for the following qualities;

Bernini's St. Theresa is often described as a gesamtkunstwerk (a German word meaning "total work of art") for the artist's incorporation of a variety of elements: sculpture, painting, and lighting effects all presented in a theatrical setting.

The Ecstasy of St. Theresa is not just a sculpture, but a total environment: Bernini designed the entire chapel, creating a veritable stage set complete with sculpted audience members.

Although some art historians insist that Bernini could not possibly have intended to imbue this subject with an erotic energy, as that would have been inconceivably heretical for that time, in reality the concupiscent implications of this work are unmistakable: the beautiful, bare-chested young angel gently opens Theresa's dress, preparing to penetrate her with his arrow, while the saint throws back her head with an expression of ecstasy.

The sensuality of the piece is directly inspired by St. Theresa's own writings!
She claimed that during her illness she rose from the lowest stage, "recollection", to the "devotions of silence" or even to the "devotions of ecstasy", which was one of perfect union with God. During this final stage, she said she frequently experienced a rich "blessing of tears." As the Catholic distinction between mortal and venial sin became clear to her, she says she came to understand the awful terror of sin and the inherent nature of original sin. She also became conscious of her own natural impotence in confronting sin, and the necessity of absolute subjection to God.
Around 1556, various friends suggested that her newfound knowledge was diabolical, not divine. How sad.
"Let nothing disturb you.
Let nothing make you afraid.
All things are passing.
God alone never changes.
Patience gains all things.
If you have God you will want for nothing.

          God alone suffices." ~ St Theresa
"It is love alone that gives worth to all things." - St. Teresa of Avila
"Christ has no body but yours,
No hands, no feet on earth but yours,
Yours are the eyes with which he looks
Compassion on this world,
Yours are the feet with which he walks to do good,
Yours are the hands, with which he blesses all the world.
Yours are the hands, yours are the feet,
Yours are the eyes, you are his body.
Christ has no body now but yours,
No hands, no feet on earth but yours,
Yours are the eyes with which he looks
compassion on this world.

Christ has no body now on earth but yours."
~ Teresa of Ávila

In Love and Healing, Amy

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Thoughts about Healing and Nature Today ~

In times of great difficulty we are called to look at our beliefs, our worldview, our passions, over and over again. I find myself when in very difficult times in my life communicating with non human animals and plants. I find myself drawn to the natural world and I feel as though I am centered right in the middle of a huge leaf on a beautiful majestic tree looking out. The tree swaying and gentle peace comforts me and calms my spirit. Looking to the world of people, politics, and religion, I realize again and again there is no peace here. 

Jesus Christ told us not to be of this world: "If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you."  John 15:19

I have been on a search for the truth and many offer me solutions. Many offer their translations and their views. I can say with humble sincerity: No human being knows the complete truth. I will write this as politely as I can. I know that Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life. He himself has guided and shown me this many times. But religion and human beings...they do not offer me truth. Some are charging for exorcisms and deliverance and healing, others have to look to higher authority figures for answers. Some seem to know what is evil and what is good. We can trust the Word of God. We can look to God's Word. But we cannot as humans tell others what our Lord and Saviour wants. He is a mystical being that is both human and divine. We need to listen to Jesus. We need to make sure it is the Jesus of the Bible and not an imposter and then we need to sit in quiet and hear Him. This does not come from religion. It comes from our Lord and Saviour and the Word. 
Now I have written about reiki on my blog. I have been searching for the truth regarding reiki. So far it would seem to my small human mind that God has directed me to continue reiki. And so I am. To many people's dismay.  Perhaps I will find along the way I can no longer do this. But right now at this moment I am.

God has gifted me with healing and talking to non human animals and nature. I also communicate with nature when I am painting. From what I have seen and experienced nature and non human animals are in direct connection to God!!! They ARE part of God because they are God's creations. But they have not fallen from grace as we have. They are complete and perfect in their love for God. They have no sin. They do not know sin. When I am communicating with nature and animals I feel God is gifting me with a glimpse of heaven,

Can I say I am certain of everything I have written here? No. I cannot. An i don't believe anyone else can either. Because we live in a world of both good and evil. And these energies can be deceptive. It is our job to sift through and try to discern.  I say "try" because we live in a world of confusion and at times it is difficult to see what is good and what is masquerading as good. New agers have forgotten satan exists and he means to belittle us and destroy God's creation. He hates God's creation and we are after all made in the image of God! We have forgotten this. the enemy wants us to forget. And the christians have forgotten nature and non human animals are part of God too! And they have also forgotten that Jesus told us we could also do healing and other miracles, even saying we could do greater things than He!!! "Believe Me that I am in the Father and the Father is in Me—or at least believe because of the works themselves. Truly, truly, I tell you, whoever believes in Me will also do the works that I am doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. And I will do whatever you ask in My name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son.…John 14:12
What are your thoughts? 
In love and Healing,
"To Love God"
By Amy Drago

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Gifts of the Holy Spirit Art Series ~ Counsel

For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the           government will be upon his shoulder, and his name is called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. ~ Isaiah 9:6

Gifts of the Holy Spirit Art Series ~ Courage or Fortitude

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of    death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. ~ Psalm 23:4

Gifts of the Holy Spirit Art Series ~ Wonder and Awe

 Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me. ~ John 15:4

Gifts of the Holy Spirit Art Series ~ Wisdom

The gift of wisdom leads the soul of those who have it to see things from God’s perspective.

1 Corinthians 3:16 ~ We are a temple of God, and the Spirit of God dwells in us.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Pentecost and Reiki?

This blog posts was written May 15. I was hesitant to share it. But here it is :)

Today is Pentecost. I was surprised when attending Church today, I had no idea it was today! I was delighted and in awe to hear that today was pentecost and upon entering the Church saw the flaming red colors and the flames of the Holy Spirit decorating the entire church. The reason I was so delighted and excited is because yesterday in the midst of my art show I felt my hands "heat up" and I have not felt this in a very long time. I immediately said to myself "this is reiki," but because I have been struggling with identifying the title of reiki I also thought "holy spirit" Today I know that it being the eve of Pentecost yesterday this sensation was the Holy Spirit. This brings up the subject of Reiki, or perhaps i should say the title of reiki. Being a reiki master and seeing amazing results from my clients i had never questioned reiki. As of recently I began to question reiki. But I believe I am only questioning the title of reiki and the association of other new age practices with reiki. I know that anything organized by humans has a corrupt nature. We humans always seem to have a way of organizing corruption! If it is human there is room for error. The system of reiki has much room for error. Because it is a system. Because it is organized. Because it has been hijacked by the new age movement. These are the reason reiki has room for error. But the most important reason reiki becomes corrupted and misused is beauce Jesus Christ/the holy spirit has been quietly removed from this system of healing. Is it necessary to make a "system" out of healing? To me healing is a gift from God /the Holy Spirit. We humans often forget we are more than these bodies. We are made of energy. We can see this energy, measure it. So could it be that there is more to this than simply "judging" reiki and other healing practices? God is so vast, so amazing, so incredible, can we fit God in any "box" or "system". I say No. We cannot. But we also need to be aware we can do nothing without Jesus Christ. So I am approaching "reiki" in a different manner. Its difficult to explain my heart here but on this journey i'm on I will continue to post my thoughts here.

We humans have a great challenge. We are to recognize God within everyone and everything but at the same time we are to know God is above all things while being in all things! But at some moments I know this. Other moments my ego grows and I think I am divine because I am human. But no, my  future "divine" nature will only be because of God/Jesus/Holy Spirit. We are all  children and creations of God so because we are part of God we see the spark of divinity. But we will never "be" God. Maybe this is where the danger can creep in with reiki. We need to always know that all healing is from God and only through God can this healing occur. We can ask for this healing and it may not be there at that exact moment. Because God's time is not our time. So some days I am led to believe reiki is a counterfeit. Healing and hot hands are also signs of the holy spirit. So my question today is this: do we need "attunements" to receive these powerful hot healing hands? Are there different ways to be "attuned" and when Mikao Usui received the symbols and began his system of reiki was this the holy spirit or a counterfeit? I would love to hear your ideas. In the meantime, I will continue on knowing God has blessed me with healing energy and I will try to heal anyone in need. But I will do this healing in the name of Jesus Christ. Have a blessed day. :)

Saturday, May 14, 2016

The Simple Life

I awoke this rainy morning realizing how long long its been since I've written down my thoughts here at my blog site. Today I am waking up in western PA. In Bessemer Pennsylvania to be exact. Be patient with me please, as I have not posted or written in such a long time. Social media and the quick access to my smart phone and computer has changed me. I am hoping to break away from these chains and begin to be more creative again.

I am welcoming the rain this spring morning and the quiet hush of this country town. We are going to have a frost this weekend and I am already planting many of my seedlings that I have raised! I have learned that the hot summer like days were not lasting! I am used to springs in Sedona, they run quickly into summer with no signs of snow or frost. I will be tested tonight in how well I can care for these baby plants I have raised.

My life has been busy with planting and making a home of our new house and property in Pennsylvania. In two days I will be welcoming 3 new family members into my home! 3 baby chicks. :) I plan on blogging about all my small adventures of gardening, raising chickens, art, and living a simple life. I hope you will join me! Much love, Amy