
Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thankful on this Blessed Day

This is our second Thanksgiving in Sedona! We are truly thankful for our home on wheels and the wonderful food we had today! Also I just wanted to say I am thankful for all of you! Life is so beautiful and sweet!! This year is our first Thanksgiving with Maya! AND Luna! SO, SO, SO, Thankful for love and life and these sweet babies! Hope you all had a blessed day ~ Love, Amy, Ron, Brigid, Maya, And Luna!

 Garlic & Ginger!!!

 Waiting for her food patiently ~ Gentle Maya
 Beautiful Brigid
 Yes today Luna was allowed to eat on the table!


There seems to be a feeling of sadness when I think about my body being sick and unbalanced. Then I remember this should be a cause for joy, because I am healing and becoming balanced and well. Why then do I feel shame arise and whisper negative thoughts of hopelessness: I am "flawed" somewhere along the way. I must have been "too emotional", "too negative," avoiding life, resistant. Human nature is so comical in this way. Our minds cannot rest and know something without dissecting it and analyzing its every flavor. Artists seem to be even more crazy about this! Healing is such a complex beautiful dance. Along the way of this dance we sometimes feel we have "been there, done that," and we are resisting doing it all over again. The frustration rises, the sadness floods in. All of this is ok. All of this is necessary and good. The journey of healing the body, mind, and spirit is what we are here for so that we can heal others; assist others and love others with a clear and open heart that is brimming with pure love and health. I wish healing to all of you.

Friday, November 22, 2013


I have been blessed to welcome a new family member into my heart! Her name is Luna. I have named her Luna after the Full Moon of November. I felt compelled once again to have a cat in my life. It's been awhile since I have shared a home with cat energy. Luna picked me, although I was looking for her. I didn't know exactly what cat would accept me. I spent time with various rescue cats at the Humane Society in Sedona. Last Sunday I was getting ready to adopt a male kitten when I met Luna. Another person wanted to adopt the cat I had my eyes on, so I knew he was not the cat for me. Luna was struggling with other people holding her. She seemed almost antisocial and annoyed by the hands that were eager to touch and hold her. I was given her to hold after much exasperation from many people was spent. I took her into my hands. We instantly made a connection. I could feel Reiki flowing with great force and Luna seemed so content and happy to be with me. Many people watching were in awe of this. The woman who had raised and fostered her was equally surprised and commented that this kitten was not social or gentle. As I was deciding whether I wanted to adopt her another couple wanted to take her. I felt I had to give her to them. I couldn't hold her back from being adopted even though I felt a yearning to take her. I stepped out to decide what I should do. When I returned she was being adopted by the couple. I was very sad but realized this was ok, and there would be another cat that would need a home in the future. I asked if I could fill out an application just in case the couple decided they did not want her. As I was filling out the paperwork the couple with tears in their eyes handed me Luna. The woman expressed with hand over her heart that she felt compelled to give me the tiny kitten. And that Luna wanted me not them. I began to cry also and the volunteers at the shelter joined in. There were hugs and bittersweet smiles and suddenly Luna was going home with me. I was warned she would probably hide under the bed for a week and that she was not a very friendly kitten. She has been amazing. She is gentle, loving, serene, playful, and will even go hiking with us! She sleeps soundly through the night and loves raw beef and chicken! She weighs only one pound and reminds us of a tiny grey mouse. Truly this is an amazing kitten with much grace and spirit. I am thankful for this blessing of my little Moon!

Shifting ~ Changing And Sedona

In between emotions I can sense the powerful movement of vibration and endless energy. The waves of Sedona move within me and bring me back to center. The first year of living in Sedona was similar to riding a roller coaster or a bull. There was a lot of thrill and yet danger and detoxing. I thought today as the rain pounded the little motor home I inhabit, that this desert has been like a loving but strict parent. There has not been any "easy" lessons to learn this time around! I feel the love of Sedona now like never before. "She" is like an amazing blossoming rose. The closed red blooming love that opens and breathes Earths gifts slowly but surely and opens with an array of reds and laughter, tears, and escaping into the mind. She builds character and illuminates justice. She flows and dances in a direction that shows your "knowing" may change with the shifts of the Earth. We may change. We do change. The saying that "people never change" is a false statement.And if you believe it come to Sedona!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

The Blessings of Sedona

I am back in Sedona again! Amazing the trip has come and gone....the days are flying by! It reminds me I must be in the moment and enjoy and savor the gold dust we are given! I am so very grateful I left Sedona. I have returned with a new and lively appreciation for this beautiful land. I will be posting again now that I am settled back into my home on wheels :~)

The beauty of Sedona is more then just the land...the Red is the people, the organic food, the green trees, the plentiful water, and so much more. I am so very grateful I can call Sedona home. I am also grateful for the past year. I had many lessons to learn. I found being grateful for pain and sickness is possible! It never feels your pain is positive when you are experiencing it, but it is on so many levels. I can now say it is a gift. I will be rereading this blog to remind myself of this I AM sure!!! But today I feel a happiness and contentment that fills my heart and opens my mind.

I am so grateful for my family and friends. Without my family and friends I could never love myself and life the way that I do! This past year has been a journey for me and I have had nothing but utter support and love from many people. Thank you!

I look forward to writing and posting in the winter months!
