
Thursday, July 19, 2012

Alone Time

At times I am so disheartened at the loss I feel talking to people. I always thought of humans as being the highest life form, above all else we had intelligence and the ability to love and have compassion for others. I held many people in my mind to be as gods; all powerful, knowing more then most. Knowledge was the key to everything and all could be explained. I am sad now to say people frequently let me down...and I'd like to say wonderful statements that inspire and make one feel great about the human race but I cannot.

I am at peace with myself, with the animals and nature around me; and I am fine with being alone most of the time. I find more and more I am drained by human life! I meet someone, I interact with someone, and I am drained after, feeling lifeless almost, full of pain. Perhaps it is because I am an empath. Maybe it's because I want to be separate from the world and mostly from society. I do love our Mother Earth so dearly. I don't want to be separated from her. But I am thinking more and more there may be something wrong with my thinking. I may have a "mental" illness or some sort of socialization problem. But then when I am around people I think I am much more polite and kind then most, I carry myself well...what is it then? Why am i so weird or different or both?

I've come to the conclusion I am not any of those things: weird, different, mental, I am simply a strong minded individual who thinks deeply about life and what it means to be alive. Notice I did not say what it means to be "human" When I was vegan i felt this strongly. Now I again feel this strong knowing and wisdom that humans are not the "highest" and that we are all one. I am very thankful for the animals I eat. It pains me to eat them. I still have not found a way to escape this. However, I still do not think this is proof we are better then animals, trees, and nature all around us.

Maybe since I've been self employed I have come to know myself better. And maybe its stronger then this...maybe it is the time we are living in, perhaps a time where we can truly see ourselves face to face without hesitation or lies.

Yes, when I'm alone this is what i think of, and I begin to be filled again with the Spirit.

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