
Saturday, June 18, 2016

Thoughts about Healing and Nature Today ~

In times of great difficulty we are called to look at our beliefs, our worldview, our passions, over and over again. I find myself when in very difficult times in my life communicating with non human animals and plants. I find myself drawn to the natural world and I feel as though I am centered right in the middle of a huge leaf on a beautiful majestic tree looking out. The tree swaying and gentle peace comforts me and calms my spirit. Looking to the world of people, politics, and religion, I realize again and again there is no peace here. 

Jesus Christ told us not to be of this world: "If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you."  John 15:19

I have been on a search for the truth and many offer me solutions. Many offer their translations and their views. I can say with humble sincerity: No human being knows the complete truth. I will write this as politely as I can. I know that Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life. He himself has guided and shown me this many times. But religion and human beings...they do not offer me truth. Some are charging for exorcisms and deliverance and healing, others have to look to higher authority figures for answers. Some seem to know what is evil and what is good. We can trust the Word of God. We can look to God's Word. But we cannot as humans tell others what our Lord and Saviour wants. He is a mystical being that is both human and divine. We need to listen to Jesus. We need to make sure it is the Jesus of the Bible and not an imposter and then we need to sit in quiet and hear Him. This does not come from religion. It comes from our Lord and Saviour and the Word. 
Now I have written about reiki on my blog. I have been searching for the truth regarding reiki. So far it would seem to my small human mind that God has directed me to continue reiki. And so I am. To many people's dismay.  Perhaps I will find along the way I can no longer do this. But right now at this moment I am.

God has gifted me with healing and talking to non human animals and nature. I also communicate with nature when I am painting. From what I have seen and experienced nature and non human animals are in direct connection to God!!! They ARE part of God because they are God's creations. But they have not fallen from grace as we have. They are complete and perfect in their love for God. They have no sin. They do not know sin. When I am communicating with nature and animals I feel God is gifting me with a glimpse of heaven,

Can I say I am certain of everything I have written here? No. I cannot. An i don't believe anyone else can either. Because we live in a world of both good and evil. And these energies can be deceptive. It is our job to sift through and try to discern.  I say "try" because we live in a world of confusion and at times it is difficult to see what is good and what is masquerading as good. New agers have forgotten satan exists and he means to belittle us and destroy God's creation. He hates God's creation and we are after all made in the image of God! We have forgotten this. the enemy wants us to forget. And the christians have forgotten nature and non human animals are part of God too! And they have also forgotten that Jesus told us we could also do healing and other miracles, even saying we could do greater things than He!!! "Believe Me that I am in the Father and the Father is in Me—or at least believe because of the works themselves. Truly, truly, I tell you, whoever believes in Me will also do the works that I am doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. And I will do whatever you ask in My name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son.…John 14:12
What are your thoughts? 
In love and Healing,
"To Love God"
By Amy Drago

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