
Thursday, November 28, 2013


There seems to be a feeling of sadness when I think about my body being sick and unbalanced. Then I remember this should be a cause for joy, because I am healing and becoming balanced and well. Why then do I feel shame arise and whisper negative thoughts of hopelessness: I am "flawed" somewhere along the way. I must have been "too emotional", "too negative," avoiding life, resistant. Human nature is so comical in this way. Our minds cannot rest and know something without dissecting it and analyzing its every flavor. Artists seem to be even more crazy about this! Healing is such a complex beautiful dance. Along the way of this dance we sometimes feel we have "been there, done that," and we are resisting doing it all over again. The frustration rises, the sadness floods in. All of this is ok. All of this is necessary and good. The journey of healing the body, mind, and spirit is what we are here for so that we can heal others; assist others and love others with a clear and open heart that is brimming with pure love and health. I wish healing to all of you.

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