I am back in Sedona again! Amazing the trip has come and gone....the days are flying by! It reminds me I must be in the moment and enjoy and savor the gold dust we are given! I am so very grateful I left Sedona. I have returned with a new and lively appreciation for this beautiful land. I will be posting again now that I am settled back into my home on wheels :~)
The beauty of Sedona is more then just the land...the Red Rocks...it is the people, the organic food, the green trees, the plentiful water, and so much more. I am so very grateful I can call Sedona home. I am also grateful for the past year. I had many lessons to learn. I found being grateful for pain and sickness is possible! It never feels your pain is positive when you are experiencing it, but it is on so many levels. I can now say it is a gift. I will be rereading this blog to remind myself of this I AM sure!!! But today I feel a happiness and contentment that fills my heart and opens my mind.
I am so grateful for my family and friends. Without my family and friends I could never love myself and life the way that I do! This past year has been a journey for me and I have had nothing but utter support and love from many people. Thank you!
I look forward to writing and posting in the winter months!