
Sunday, May 26, 2013


Oh my this morning I made the most amazing juice!
~ A head of romaine lettuce
~ 5 apples
~ 4 carrots
~ 5 stalks of celery
~ 1 cucumber
The taste of this particular juice was so refreshing, invigorating, and uplifting! Green, smooth, and fresh, this juice you must try! I am amazed at the benefits of juicing.
Fresh juice provides us with minerals, vitamins, essential fatty acids, carbohydrates, and proteins. When you include juicing as part of your diet, you will have increased energy, a glowing complexion, strengthened immune system, stronger bones and a reduced risk of disease. When we juice fruits and vegetables we are able to drink highly concentrated nutrients which are then able to enter our bloodstream very quickly.
Juices can flush toxins from your body, are good for your weight, heart, circulation and overall well being.

Carrot juice is an easy juice to start with! And you can add in 2 apples if you like :) Here are just a few of the benefits of carrot juice!

    Carrot juice contains carotenoids, which help protect the heart.
    Carotenoids in carrots, contribute to blood sugar regulation.
    Carrots contain a phytonutrient called falcarinol. This nutrient helps in protection against colon  cancer.
    Beta-carotene in carrot juice is good for vision, and is especially contributory to the improvement of night vision.
    By drinking carrot juice, hair, skin and nails start looking better.
    Carrot juice contains essential oils, which help in proper digestion, and thus helping in the prevention of acne.
    Drink carrot juice in summers. The nutrients in carrot juice will protect your skin against tanning. It also helps the skin to heal any damage caused by the sun.
    One of the best carrot juice health benefits for skin is that antioxidants in carrot juice, slow down the process of aging. Antioxidants also protect against many other skin disorders.
    There are many carrot juice benefits for skin when consumed on a daily basis, however, you can also apply it directly on your skin to reduce blemishes.
    Carrot juice lowers the cholesterol and blood pressure levels of the body.
    Consuming carrot juice daily, will increase the resistance power of the body.
    Carrot juice is very rich in iron, which helps reduce the severity of anemia symptoms.
:~) Hope you will try some carrot juice today! And when you are ready you can try juicing greens!