Recently I began to think about my life as an artist and how I know I was born a painter, writer, and healer, as I believe we are all born with our talents we only have to grow into them and find them for what they are. For many years I neglected to see my talents and as much as I had longings to paint, I stuck to writing because this was acceptable and my teachers told me I was good at it. I would draw and color often as a child and was always thinking how can I create that tree or cloud in the way that I see it? Even then I did not realize I was seeing the world a bit more abstract then the people that surrounded me. Yet, I still did not allow myself to paint. And when years later I finally began a self portrait thanks to a class I took on the Goddesses of Greek Mythology, I realized what I loved. I was drawn to the canvas as I was drawn to the woods and I did not understand why. Living with a musician at the time and fostering his music, (not my Husband now, although he is a musican too!)I did not see my art was important too. I was constantly nurturing and caring for the words and music he was producing while my own words were becoming softer and softer. I mean no disrespect to this man, I am simply stating that too often women take the back seat in art. They are wives, mothers, care takers, cooks, house keepers, and teachers; Which all of these are noble and are to be commended. I am not placing less importance on the necessary jobs that women do so well, but I am saying we are expected to do these jobs without complaints or wanting of anything else. I do not think times have changed much....I think the mentality is the same in art. It was and seems at times easier to accept a man being "free" and pursuing his dream...also I think it is easier for many people to accept male artists. Funny, after all this time I still get this strange feeling women are not respected when they decide art is their passion and main focus. And at times when they do, it seems a male's art form takes center stage and rises above the females. There is definitely a competitiveness that seems to steal the beauty from the art itself. If only people could see art for what it really is ~ self expression listening to God, and sharing your gift with the world so that others can enjoy and find ways to cope with their emotions.
Michelangelo had somebody to cook his food! Rubens' wives darned his stockings so he looked good getting all those commissions, Gauguin had females taking care of him in two hemispheres, Mary Cassatt: no children, no husband, and an independent source of income with which to hire servants. Georgia O'Keeffe didn't have children, and her husband actively promoted her career. Lee Krasner's career took off after Jackson Pollock self-destructed! And there are so many similar stories likes these.
I think it's sad the world is so competitive and cut throat. I also think women should take a good look at themselves and what they want. Women have "breached the power structure" by acquiring rights equal to men in areas such as, education, professional careers, and voting. So why shortly after acquiring more rights were the bodies of women suddenly shrinking? Eating Disorders began to rise. We should remember these important facts. These struggles are indications of the prevailing mind set we still fall victim too. Although not all women will want to be musicians, writers, painters, photographers, (or any kind of artists) the women that do feel the calling and have not yet answered will always feel the emptiness that will never be filled if they do not find the courage to create.
"To create one's own world in any of the arts takes courage" ~ Georgia O' Keefe
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